Posts Tagged With: bonding

Bonding with Each other, the Hall’s, le Babies

It’s Just A Big Love Fest Here. 

Schuyler and I have been living the roommate life with our sweet bunk beds in the apartment above the orphanage. It’s been really helpful because we’re learning to trade off who gets the shower first, how to adjust to the other persons lifestyle, and we get to talk about what God’s been placing on our hearts everyday. And of course we have built some pretty funny inside jokes…

It was a really good idea that Schuyler and I decided to workout because our diet here in Brazil has consisted of bread and butter, rice and beans, and lots of juice 2 times a day. That’s more carbs than we’re used to so to burn off all the goodies, we’re working out. Thank goodness Schuyler is here with me because after the third day, I would have quit, but she’s my accountability and the strong-willed one, so she pushed me to keep going. Ironically though when she gets lazy, I’m the one who’s motivated. Its turning out to be a good system and we’re thankfully not gaining TOO much weight. 😉

As for bonding with the Hall family, they take us places every now and then to get out of the orphanage. They’re already super close and friendly as a family (not something I usually see in the states), so there is more laughter and bonding, than arguing and parallel lives. Their kids are super funny and playful, so we’ve grown to treat them like siblings. Last night specifically, Bryan (9), Daniel (6), Schuyler and I decided to experiment late in the kitchen with some sweet condensed milk and fruit loops because we didn’t have milk for cereal. We ended up putting our ingredients in the blender to make a cereal bar. It turned out pretty good! Schuyler has this thing about attacking (ooops, I mean tickling) little Bryan who’s kind-of ten (that’s what he calls his age). Two weeks ago in the car, she whispers to me while Bryan is sitting on her lap (because we fit more than 11 people in a 5 passenger car most of the time) “I have the biggest urge to just tickle him.” That’s where the tickling began. I don’t get involved in these tickling fights because well…you just don’t tickle Hannah. 🙂

We’ve been SO VERY blessed with some time with Barry and Vania, and most of the time just Vania, to talk about her, the ministry, and of course how “the Hall’s” came into existence. Schuyler would agree that all we need to post about their love story is that only God could have planned something so perfect and beautiful. God planned such a wonderful story for these two and have blessed their willing hearts to serve with a ministry that is changing the world! They work great together, they’re still playful as if they were a young couple dating – you can tell they’re happy together – and their family’s sweet and patient dynamic is a product of two people’s effort to put God first. Vania is just adorable when she shares about something that happened that day that might have been bad, but she reminded us once that she’s God’s girl and not matter what, her Father was going to protect her. “You have to love God most” she advised us the evening of the picnic. “It’s the only reason why I’m doing what I’m doing.” As for Barry, he loves these kids, is always being productive, he’s quick to help Vania with anything she needs, and is really patient with all the noisy shenanigans going on 24/7. The Hall’s truly are an inspiration not only as a couple, but as parents, missionaries, christians, and friends. I believe God brought us here to not only serve this family, but learn from them as well.

And lastly, bonding with le bebes! Must we be leaving in 16 days??? I feel like I haven’t had enough time with them. Compared to my prior knowledge and experience with babies, I feel like a super nanny now. Friday marks 3 weeks here and we’ve got into the routine of taking care of the little ones and rarely asking the “how to” or “where is” questions. Not even pictures can capture the precious moments of holding one of them in my arms, watching them sleep in their crib, or when you glance around the corner and one squeals with laughter at you. Just as this month is flying by and my time with them is soon coming to an end, so does the real thing, and by “the real thing” I mean my own kids one day. Grandparents will tell you, time just flies, and it really does! Every moment counts to make it better than the last, and making a valiant effort in doing so. Every day I’m learning how to handle them with a mindset only God could have given me – patience – because who knows when I’ll see them again? Every little moment is precious and worth capturing, but not just in photos, but in your hearts…deep in your hearts! It started to hit me that I may not ever see some of these kids again. I pray I see them ALL in heaven, but I don’t know God’s plan of salvation for their lives. I can tell you my prayers when I put them to sleep is the prayer for salvation – the prayer for God’s grace to continue to be abundant in their lives as it’s been so evident here at the orphanage with so much love being poured into them. It’s a little strange because I expected the opposite about leaving, but I’m gaining a peace about leaving them and going home. I don’t know their futures, but I know the God who holds their futures. Right now, they’ve been rescued and staying at the Father’s Heart Orphanage. To think, at one point we were all orphans from God…and He adopted us. Now we are safe in His heart because He has promised us life with Him forever…Just as I can trust my life in my Father’s Heart – because His heart is good and love – I can trust the same Father’s heart to care for my little friends.

Schuyler and I bunk beddin’ it up!IMG_4821

And us attempting to workout….please, laugh at us! That’s what we’re here for! 😉 TO BRING YOU SMILES.Photo on 6-11-13 at 9.32 PM #2

Schuyler with one of our friends! 🙂IMG_5216

Me and the cute little CHUB!IMG_5220

Schuyler with le bebe.IMG_5227

And with another bebe!

Bryan and me bonding…20130625-093109.jpg

Our experiment with sweet condensed milk and fruit loops…20130625-093059.jpg

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