Posts Tagged With: family

we’ve been a little MIA [missing in action]

We haven’t had much energy or time to post anything because we’ve either been downstairs with the babies, out and about, or sleeping off sickness. Since our last post, we went to an angry birds themed birthday party. I couldn’t believe how many angry birds themed items were at this 5 year olds party…it was crazy! We saw a super cool juggler on the street…juggling three circus clubs and a soccer ball. It was impressive!! Saw this thing (once surrounded by the Amazon jungle). We also went shopping in their “walmart” and enjoyed a legitimate acai treat (picture below)! It’s actually really bitter without the sugar and when the ladies at the orphanage first shared it with us (Sky was the first guinea pig) they watched in such a devious way because they knew we weren’t used to such a bland/almost bitter tasting fruit. Ha. I walked inside just as Sky was trying it and the look on her face was priceless! Then of course she’s like “oh Hannah try this!!” I caught on to what was going on by the look on everyone’s faces, yet still tried it. 😉

Tomorrow hits the 2-week mark of being here and we really do feel like family. The caretakers are so sweet and caring, and they’ll make you food in a heart beat! They’re eager to communicate too, so we have an English-Portugues dictionary handy…so far we know how to communicate most baby needs and a few simple words related to the home like bathroom, eat, and sleep. As for being treated like family, the Hall’s have some of their relatives come over for dinner or to visit every now and then and they’ve (Vania’s sister) tease with us. You know you’re family when they can tease you. Nothing harsh, just trying to get us to mix up the portuguese words for coconut and poop (apparently they sound super similar, easy enough to mispronounce). I’ve actually been able to catch on to a few words to joke with some of the ladies, and it feels good making them laugh. I feel like I’m connecting with them, despite the language barrier.

Lastly, we’ve been sick. Sky’s been extra tired and possibly dehydrated, and I’ve been fighting a stomach pain going on 5 days. We both need prayers because we’re not even halfway through the trip and we need a lot more energy and strength to keep doing what we’ve been doing here with the babies – play play play!

– Hannah

Bryan (one of Vania’s kids) and I played a prank on Sky as she was passed out on the playroom coach!


Sky enjoying our acai treat! I won’t post the other picture because she didn’t want me to, but somehow she managed to get this dessert all over her mouth. It was quite hilarious. 🙂

Meet Gecko the Iguana 🙂 Try opening up your back door and seeing THAT GIANT LIZARD staring at you.

Hannah – Do you know if its friendly? Like is it going to attack us?

Sky – Well people own Iguanas…

Hannah – Well people own pythons too, but they’re not necessarily the safest pet!


Swimming time!1017061_393467507424488_584246002_n

Trampoline time! This is probably my favorite time with them because they love to bounce, fall, and knock over each other. It’s so cute!419151_390964861008086_1277961323_new

Got some probiotics for my stomach! Let’s hope this works!IMG_4971

Categories: In Brazil, Messages from Hannah | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Shout out to the Halls :)

I just wanted to write a shout out to Vania and Barry Hall. The Hall family is so sweet, open, and loving. I absolutely love being here, and interacting with the orphans and bringing joy into their lives, where they have grown up with so little. As well as being a helping hand to the orphanage and the staff. The Halls have shown us so much kindness in allowing us to come stay for a month and help out. I have only been here a week so far, but from the first day it was very evident that the orphanage the Halls are running is truly of the Fathers heart, the way they have opened their hearts and their home to these orphans is just incredible. They truly love and care for these kids as Christ would, and you can truly see the Lords work being done here.


Categories: In Brazil, Messages from Schuyler | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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