Bread and Butter

The food here in brazil is pretty good, nothing fancy; but its good and I really enjoy it. For breakfast we normally have bread and butter, or cereal. Lunch is seen as the biggest meal of the day, which on average consists of rice and beans, and then also a meat; either beef, fish, or chicken. Then theres a 4 o’clock snack, that is where we get our brazilian surprises; all of which are delicious. Dinner then is normally left overs from lunch.

I do not normally eat bread and butter very often in the states. But ever since I have come here, I think I have eaten more bread and butter these last 5 days, then i have in the past five year of my life. It has definitely been been a change in diet, which is good.

Being here definitely helps break me of my taco bell obsession. Because well, no taco bell here and I pretty much eat what they give me; which is all real, and pretty healthy food, unlike taco bell. But i think i enjoy it more.

– Schuyler

rice and beans

rice and beans

my fish was staring at me!

my fish was staring at me!

Categories: In Brazil, Messages from Schuyler | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment

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One thought on “Bread and Butter

  1. Sean Breslin

    I guess I need to go to Brazil so I can break my Taco Bell obsession, too!

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